Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Annaville Baptist

The Spa Girls had a great time with the ladies from Annaville Baptist Church in Annaville, Texas. (It is near Corpus Christi). We spent Friday evening with them and Melissa shared our program on Home Cents. It was perfect timing too as we have all been feeling the financial crunch that has affected our nation as well as our personal lives. So, she did her normal presentation on bringing order back to your home, and then we added a lot of money saving tips that the ladies could actually go home and begin practicing immediately. We really like to give helpful hints in all of our presentations that will motivate our listeners to go home and start making changes now! Our big pointer this night was to encourage each lady to go home and research her current electric company to see if she is getting the best rate. Melissa's dad did the exercise earlier that day and was able to find a company that would save him close to $50 per month. He later went on to apply the technique to his church and found a plan to save the church over $1,000 per month. We are not electric company experts or anything like that, but we do love to hunt and find bargains and this is the big area we are working with right now, even in our own homes. There are many companies that offer electrical services now since that industy has been deregulated. Just be sure to read the fine print before you agree to switch companies. Most have a minimum time period that you must sign up for. Anyway, we would just like to encourage each and every one of our listeners to research and look for more ways to save money. And when you find a good one, send it to us!!

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